{{ schoolData.name }}
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School Name
{{ schoolData.name }}
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Language of Instruction
This refers to the language(s) in which classes are taught. Other languages may be offered as academic subjects.
  • {{ language_of_instruction.language }}
Age of Students
This is the age range of students enrolled in the school.

From {{ schoolData.student_age_min }} to {{ schoolData.student_age_max }} years old

This shows the curriculum(s) taught at the school. See the FAQs page for more info about curriculums.
  • {{ curriculum.curriculum }}
Annual Tuition Fee
This range shows the lowest to highest annual tuition fee charged by the school. Always check with schools for their up-to-date fee info and details about what is included in and excluded from the annual tuition fee.

{{ minFee }}

One Time Fee
This refers to fees that are paid only once (e.g. application fee, registration fee).

{{ oneTimeFee }}

School Type
This refers to whether the school is co-educational (i.e. both girls and boys) or open to only girls or only boys.

{{ school_config.type[schoolData.school_type] }}

School Population
This refers to the total number of students who attend the school.

{{ schoolData.student_population }}

Average Class Size
This refers to the average number of students per class.

{{ schoolData.average_class_size }}

Start of School Year
This is the month in which the school year starts.

{{ months[schoolData.school_year_month_start] }}

End of School Year
This is the month in which the school year ends.

{{ months[schoolData.school_year_month_end] }}

Religious Affiliation
This refers to whether the school is affiliated with any religion.
  • {{ religious_affiliation.religious_affiliation }}


Lunch Options
This highlights the school's lunch options, such as whether hot/cold lunches are provided for all students or available for purchase in a canteen.

Language Support

Boarding Facilities

School Uniform

More about the School
School Facilities
Extracurricular Activities
About the Students
Use of Technology in Classroom
This refers to the language(s) in which classes are taught. Other languages may be offered as academic subjects.
External Examinations and Assesments
Special Needs